Parker is a 2013 American crime thriller film directed by Taylor Hackford. Starring Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez, the film is adapted from Flashfire, the 19th Parker novel, written by Donald Westlake under the name Richard Stark. Primarily set in Palm Beach, Florida, the film revolves around professional thief Parker (Statham), who is double-crossed by his crew. He sets out for revenge on them, travelling to Palm Beach where he enlists the help of insider Leslie (Lopez), who assists him in a quest to steal what his former crew headed by a man named Melander (Michael Chiklis) rob in their jewelry auction heist. As the story develops, Leslie falls for Parker, who remains faithful to his longtime girlfriend Claire.Full movie Parker HD/Full HD/MKV/ AVI/DVD Rip/DVD Scr/DVD/BRRip/XviDRip Video Free.So click the link and Download movie.
Parker Full Movie HD RIip Video Free Download
Taylor HackfordWriters:
John J. McLaughlin (screenplay), Donald E. Westlake (novel)Stars:
Jason Statham, Jennifer Lopez, Michael Chiklis
Release date :- January 25, 2013
Parker is a professional thief, who doesn't steal from the poor or hurt innocent people. His mentor Hurley asks him to do a five-man job with a crew he doesn't know, which consists of Melander , Carlson , Ross and Kroll. The job is successful, but Parker refuses to go further with another plan that will earn them millions. They shoot him and leave him to die in a lake. Having barely survived, he is found by a family who take him to the hospital, where he escapes after stealing a male nurse's uniform to avoid being spotted by police. Parker tells Hurley that he wants to go after Melander for double-crossing him, who he later discovers is in Palm Beach, Florida for another heist. The crew learn that he is alive, and sends Kroll to kidnap Hurley's daughter and Parker's girlfriend Claire (Emma Booth). She narrowly escapes and goes into hiding at a Fish Camp. Hurley is worried and suggests Parker run away with Claire, but he refuses, completely intent on revenge against Melander.The crew successfully steal the jewels at the auction, and swim back to the house, where a weak and injured Parker has already arrived. Worried that Parker might get hurt, Leslie makes her way to the house and begins snooping around the garden. She is found and taken inside, where the crew abuse and grill her with questions, assuming she is working with Parker. Melander finds Parker and a fight ensues. Carlson nearly rapes Leslie, and she shoots him multiple times with a gun she noticed under the table. Melander is eventually killed after Parker stabs and shoots him. All members of the crew end up dead.
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