Gangster Squad is a crime film directed by Ruben Fleischer from a screenplay written by Will Beall, starring an ensemble cast that includes Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Nick Nolte, Emma Stone, Sean Penn, Michael Peña, and Giovanni Ribisi.The film is loosely based on the story of LAPD officers and detectives forming a group called the "Gangster Squad unit" who attempt to keep Los Angeles safe from Mickey Cohen and his gang during the 1940s and '50s. It was originally set to be released September 7, 2012.Gangster Squad full movie HD/ Full HD /MKV/ BRRip /Xvid Rip/HQ video movie Free Download.
Gangster Squad Full Movie DVD rip Video Free Download
Ruben FleischerWriters:
Will Beall, Paul Lieberman (book)Stars:
Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.
Release date - January 11, 2013
In 1949, post-WWII Los Angeles, gangster Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) has become the most powerful figure in the California criminal underworld, and intends to continue to expand his criminal enterprise across the Western United States, forcing out his rivals in Chicago. The police have not been able to stop Cohen's ruthless rise, as Cohen has eliminated witnesses and bribed both the court and the police, controlling both illegal and legal sides of L.A.
Wooters has been keeping close to his old friend Jack Whalen (Sullivan Stapleton), who is his informant from within Cohen's operations. After meeting for drinks, Wooters becomes infatuated with Cohen's etiquette coach and girlfriend Grace Faraday (Emma Stone). Wooters and Grace begin a secret relationship. After Cohen orders a hit on rival Jack Dragna (Jon Polito) that results in the death of Pete (Austin Adams), an innocent boy Wooters knew, Wooters becomes motivated to take down Cohen. He saves O'Mara's squad after an unsucessful hit on one of Cohen's casinos, and later joins the squad.The Gangster Squad is lured into a trap in Los Angeles' Chinatown by Cohen's head hitman Wrevock (Troy Garity), who was also responsible for Pete's death. Wooters interrupts the ambush just in time to save O'Mara, but Wrevock escapes. Karl Lennox (Holt McCallany), Cohen's right-hand man, kills Keeler at the unit's operation. Wooters asks Whalen to get Grace out of town, but Cohen reaches him first, looking for Grace, and kills him. O'Mara's house is later hit by a drive-by, and Connie gives birth to their son under the stress. Chief Parker tells O'Mara that as a result of their failure that their careers with the LAPD are over. O'Mara gets Connie out of town, but refuses to leave with the job unfinished. Cohen and his men engage in a gun battle with the police unit, with Wooters being wounded in the process after killing Wrevock. Cohen and Lennox escape, but O'Mara pursues them, which results in their vehicle crashing into a fountain. Kennard is shot by a sniper, but he manages to kill Lennox with help from Navidad. Kennard dies from his wounds. O'Mara prepares to arrest Cohen, but Cohen tempts him into a fight with each other in a bare-knuckle boxing match,
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